Enable the Cable Manager's Visualize command to highlight the generated 3D cable
If a 3D cable is already generated and we select a cable in the Cable Manager and Visualize it, the software should highlight the 3D cable in the routing model along with the raceways that the cable passes through.
Make position of equipment tags relative to the equipment selectable
It would be helpful if it was possible to select the position of the tags for an equipment, as "above, below, left, right", in the Equipment Manager, and that should be editable in the Equipment Properties for already placed equipment.
Several users have inquired on how to get an IFC export of a BRCM model. An iTwin Service will be developed that would convert an iModel in iModelHub to IFC. Once this service is made public users will be able to take advantage of it. For notes on...
It will be useful to have the possibility to edit the EXCEL sheet number in the XLS Import dialog in the same way as it is possible to edit the Start/End row. The benefit is if you have multiple Cable lists with same column settings it will not be...
Raceway Label Tool should allow the user to specify an offset for raceway elevation
Would like the Raceway label tool to allow me to specify an offset for the elevation properties so that I can label elevations relative to any given floor height. i.e. First floor is at 3m and raceway at 5.8 will show 5.8 in elevation but user wan...
As a designer I need a way of modifying an existing raceway label on the 2D extracted raceway to include an additional property or change the label direction. Proposed Solution The user should be able to select an existing label or group of labels...
Different level in 2D Extraction showing different Voltage level
Would like to show different raceway Voltage levels in 2D Extraction file using different colors on different levels. This means adding Voltage Level as a criteria for overwrites in the BRCM Setup > Options > 2D Extraction > Level Assignm...
It will be useful if using AccuDraw in Raceway design the system will select possible AccuDraw settings automatically from the cursor direction so it will not be necessary to use the AccuDraw rotate command to do multiple rotations in e.g. vertica...
BRCM Raceway size is a best tool to change the raceway catalog and size, but this tool do not provide us ability to select the raceway route.We need to manually select each raceway segments and then change the size. We should have three options af...