Would like raceway and equipment tags to support Plant Breakdown Structures like KKS
It would be helpful if raceway and equipment tags could be comprised of multiple properties like the Plant Breakdown Structure in OpenPlant to support these types of tagging conventions including KKS.
It will be useful to enable the direct edit of raceway IDs in the file, e.g. using the Edit Text command as it work in the Equipment ID and to save this information to the raceways and update in the Raceway IDs dialog.
Leave unused fittings in the Raceway Catalog Creation
At the moment it will remove fittings in the Raceway Catalog Creation Tool in case a user removes it from the Selected fittings list (RW-Fittings-config.png). It will be useful to keep the removed fitting in the Available fittings list in the case...
User interface to edit ProductCode (PCODE) in parametric Equipment
It will save a lot of time and will be easier to set the PCODE in a user interface, e.g. in Equipment Manager instead of editing the CAT_EQP_PCode_EN.xml manually. To get the required info, it will be necessary to enable macros in this file to han...
It will be good to have an UI to set PCODE settings and possible Accessories. If possible a copy paste will be useful to copy e.g. Accessories (or other entries) from one raceway fitting to others also to other catalogs.
Additional cable laying method related to cable size
A user like to use an additional cable laying method related to the cable size. That mean cable with a specified diameter shall be routed single layer and all cable smaller shall be routed multi layer, also the two laying methods shall be separate...
Add wallmounted trunking systems to raceway content
In buildings, it´s often required to use wall mounted trunking systems to support e.g. user desk with power, IT connection, telephone etc. Possible example is system from OBO or Nidax or Schneider