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Showing 15

Ring Manifold design in OPM

In the industry there are cases where a circular (ring shaped) header manifolds that branches equally to feed fluids to a sub system are needed. For example, a cooling water distribution system. Currently, Openplant has limited functionality to ac...
10 days ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Needs review

Annotation in OpenPlant Drawing with Callout

Please can you consider improvements to the annotation using the Notes Place Label Tool in OpenPlan when generating 2D drawings with Call Outs to hyperlinked sheets. Annotation: Currently, including custom Calculated EC Property Specifications in ...
4 months ago in OpenPlant Modeler 2 Needs review

API access for Bentley Product updates

We have various Rest-API-capable software in use which could use the Rest-API for monitoring. Lansweeper, Paesler PRTG, Grafana and PowerBI. (We prefer Lansweeper and Paesler PRTG) Currently, Users get Information about updates and has inform the ...
3 months ago in OpenPlant Support Engineering 0 Needs review

Tool/Worfklow for AutoPlant to OpenPlant spec conversion

We need to get new or fixed tool allow User to migrate AutoPlant spec to OpenPlant CE format to complete spec conversion process. Currently available tools in OPPA don't work for CE, we are not able to complete this process with success and bluepr...
5 months ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Needs review

Double Line or 2D Routing in OpenPlant Modeler

It would be great to have 2D/double line routing in OpenPlant Modeler. This is not schematic or P&ID. These 2D or double line drawings are accurate and spec driven. OpenBuildings have this feature, even in AutoPLANT this feature was there. CAD...
about 2 months ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Needs review

Validate tool/conversion report for AutoPlant to OpenPlant conversion

We need to get tool allows User to run validation for AutoPlant to OpenPlant conversion or to get something like report, where User will be able to see the conversion process report, like: what classes were converted, what is the status, what is m...
5 months ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Needs review

Add a button that will allow user to change Workspace/Workset

The only way to change the active OPIM Workspace or Workset is to close the tool and relaunch with the new Workspace/Workset selection. I am referring to ProjectWise Managed Workspace. Add a button that will allow users to change the managed works...
5 months ago in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager 0 Needs review

Add a button to OPIM to reset ISO settings from ProjectWise

When OPIM is launched, there is no way to refresh OPIM settings to match the Managed Workspace settings from ProjectWise. The only way to do this is to close OPIM and relaunch OPIM which is a very slow process. Add a button that will redownload Is...
5 months ago in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager 0 Needs review

Control the repetition of slope symbol

We would like to manage the slope symbol quantity in the same angle pipe. The symbols are located on each point currently. But we don't need multiple symbols in the same angle's pipe. The previous engine(isogen) does not locate the multiple symbol...
8 months ago in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager 0 Needs review


9 months ago in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager 0 Needs review