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OpenPlant PID

Showing 50

OpenPlant PID Drafting in Sheet/Layout Mode

Till OpenPlant PID SS10, we can do drafting in sheet mode, and it is not necessary to have mode as Design. But in CONNECT, Bentley has forced to do drafting in design mode. Due to this, if a user is moving from V8i to CE, user have to follow multi...
3 months ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Enable annotation movement with the associated pipe.

Presently moving the pipeline annotation along with the pipeline itself isn't possible as it works by design
about 2 months ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

To/From data in Plantsight queries should be fixed

Currently when we create line list query in Plantsight and include TO/FROM fields, it shows multiple values in both fields, there should be a way to show only start and end point of pipelines, intermediate runs shouldn't be reported in the TO/FROM...
almost 2 years ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Planned

Instrument Loops associated to Pipe Run and Pipeline

Please can you add the functionality in OPPID where the Instrument Loop is associated with Pipe Run and Pipeline? At the moment if you change the Pipeline Unit the Unit is not transferred to the Instrument Loop. This can be done by manual means bu...
about 1 year ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

PlantSight version Comparison in OPPID

Hi Please can we have a version comparison of OPPIDs in PlantSight similar to the version comparison in OPM
11 months ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Oval Instrument Parametric bubbles - Other functions

At the moment the Oval bubbles (Place Instrument Parametric) are only available as discrete instruments. Please can you extend the oval bubbles to also include the other functions like: Computer Function Distributed Digital Distributed Analog
about 1 year ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Tag Replication to display full tag

When using the tag replication tool, the main tag indicates replication by adding the number of replicated components in parenthesis. What we would like to see is for the replication tool to prompt the user to place each replicated tag annotation ...
about 2 years ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Enhance Valve Placement to allow users to set the valve state, actuator, and end condition properties in the placement dialog

As a piping designer, I would like to be able to set the valve state, actuator, and end conditions in the placement dialog so that I can initially set what I need and don't have to change it later by modifying the property values. Proposed Solutio...
about 2 years ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Populating data from spec fields to Pipe property

The PID does not support the feature of populating data from pipe spec fields to Pipe property. At current stage it is only possible for valves.
11 months ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Valve State should work for all components

This would allow a user to have more than once cell for the same class and display the component differently. Having the PropertyBasedCells Extend Type work across the class structure, would help to avoid unnecessary classes from being created in ...
about 2 years ago in OpenPlant PID 1 Planned