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OpenPlant Modeler

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Connections between ISOSHEET using PlantSight with file based

A “typical” Plantsight workflow would be that each designer is checking in all their piping and equipment each day. When it would come time to create the system iso’s, they would check out all the lines/equipment with nozzles that are part of that...
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

Briefcase BIM file should only download Process physical and functional

Currently when using PlantSight, all connection files are downloaded to the BIM file to create it. This causes the BIM file to become very large and can take hours to open Openplant modeler depending on the size of the project. The request would b...
almost 2 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

Connections between ISOSHEET using PlantSight with file based

A “typical” Plantsight workflow would be that each designer is checking in all their piping and equipment each day. When it would come time to create the system iso’s, they would check out all the lines/equipment with nozzles that are part of that...
almost 2 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

See OpenBuilding properties in OpenPlant

Many user do not want to create i.dgn files to see OpenBuilding properties in OpenPlant. They want to attach reference dgn model and see properties of building model.
almost 4 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 1 Already exists

Icons for different type of Instruments

While selecting an instrument from the generic option in the piping galleries we get all the instruments listed and then we need to select the required one to place in the model, instead if we have icon for the instruments for example Level switch...
almost 2 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

CTRL + S - Update Server Copy

In OPM V8i, CTRL + S was a shortcut for Update Server Copy, why was this is dropped in OPM CE?
about 2 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 3 Will not implement

Specification Filter per discipline

Currently we have possibility to filter specification list from pipeline property like Service, Unit ... but this should work for all discipline HVAC, Support, Cable.As the spec folder is common for all discipline if we have dedicated spec for Hva...
about 2 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration


SrvReqNo:[7001545099]} AUTOPLANT SCHEMA ISSUE Currently, the iTwin platform uses Microstation Bridge to view EC data generated in OPM. However, the AutoPlant schema cause several properties to be corrupted and not visible. OPM service team has ins...
about 2 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 2 Future consideration

Routing Auto Elbows with multiple elbows in spec

We have specifications where multiple end preparations exist for elbows with the same size. Typically we have butt welded and threaded elbows for the same size pipe depending on the service. When you have 2 different types of elbows for the same s...
about 2 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 3 Already exists

Raceway routing enhancements

Please can you enhance the race way routing to also automatically place bends, tees and reducers in much the same way as piping does. At the moment you have to route a straight section then place the bend which does not have a center insert point ...
about 2 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 2 Already exists