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Showing 358

Add Voltage level property to "Detail_Raceway_Schedule_BOM"

I would like to add the Voltage Level property to the "Detail_Raceway_schedule_BOM" so that I can identify the voltage level of each cable and even sort the list according to this property to group cables of the same voltage level together. See at...
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Automated Creation of Isometric Drawing for Raceways

Would like the ability to generate Isometric Drawings for Raceways by selecting the Raceway in the current DGN being worked on. This should work in a similar way that OpenPlant Modeler dose for Pipes. See attached document for an example of how th...
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Make Raceway Divider information in BOQ/BOM reports

Would like to have the same raceway divider voltage level and ratios available in the Detailed_BOQ report and Raceway Schedule_BOM report as separate columns as shown in the attached image. The divider/barrier strip parts to be listed in the Detai...
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Automatically set UDA Divider property when you specify Dividers in the Raceway Router

It would be helpful if the software would automatically set the Divider UDA to "Yes" to include it in the BOM report whenever I specify dividers in the Raceway Router dialog as shown in the attached screen shot.
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Would like a new cable report template that summarizes cable lengths by type per catalog

In situations where we want to estimate the installation cost, we need the summarized cable length for a cable type, depending on the different raceway systems (catalogs) that are used, when a cable is routed. Currently, only one summarized length...
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Would like Cable Schedule to include section cuts that cables pass through

It should be possible to document the section cuts (names of the section cuts), a cable passes through on its way in a separate column.
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Would like ability to better customize the cable pull cards

It would be helpful if cable pull cards could be more customized to allow options like: Exclude length for air gaps Exclude additional lengths However, it would be still good to include these lengths in the overall total length calculation. See at...
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Show Raceway type in Raceway Fill Info

It will be useful to show not only the size of raceway in Raceway Fill Info dialog. It shall also show the raceway type, e.g. Cable Tray, Cable Ladder, etc as additional info.
about 3 years ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Show raceway ID in Raceway Fill Info

It shall show the raceway ID as additional entry in the Raceway Fill Info dialog
about 3 years ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Create Raceway ID on same level as the raceway

Would like a setting to create the Raceway ID on same level as selected raceway´s. The setting could possibly be added to Options>CAD Standards>Levels dialog and set entry like this: e.g. Raceway ID =<Raceway Voltage Level>
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration