Idea from Fluor Canada related to raceway and cable weight calculations:
Weight calculation related to area or CWP (construction work package)
1) Straights (parts weight in kg/m): Total Straights weight = Total straights length (m) per area or CWP x parts weight (kg/m) == xx kg
2) Fittings weight (kg) : Total fittings weight = Total fittings per area or CWP x parts weight (kg) == xx kg
Typically, cable weights are calculated based on the cables routed within each area or CWP. The sample formula is as below
3) Total Cables weight = Individual cable weight (kg/m) x Length of each cable routed in raceways within the particular area or CWP (m) = xx kg
= 2.5mm2 cable weight in xx kg/m x Sum of cable length for all 2.5mm2 cables routed within area or CWP
e.g. if 5 no. of 2.5mm2 cables, each having 25m (part of the total) routed in the particular CWP, the total routed lengths for this cable within CWP is 5x25=125m
Total Raceway + cables weight per area or CWP = (1) +(2) + (3) kgs
The target is to add the data into a weight management tool which is used to monitor the total weight of each module for transportation.
A report is required to list calculations per CWP including RW-ID.
Weight of tray part + cables routed in that particular tray segment.
See graphic example attached.
Additionally this report also be used to capture the COG (center of gravity) of modelled components. Attached is the sample template being used here. This sample format is for modelled items only and hence weight for cables are not included, as cables wt information come-out once the cables are routed.
Cable weight also to be added in Tray fill calcs to make sure the weight on trays (there are other factors in addition to cable weight) is within the tray design load. We will be looking for tray fill calcs based on CEC (Canadian Electric code), where few parameters to be defined for tray fills, such as snow loading for outdoor trays, wind loading, cable weight, etc. in addition to the tray volume available for tray fills.
How frequently will feature be used? | A few times a week |
How much time will you save? | a lot of time will be saved |
Your Industry | Energy Infrastructure |