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Showing 294

OpenPlant PID Drafting in Sheet/Layout Mode

Till OpenPlant PID SS10, we can do drafting in sheet mode, and it is not necessary to have mode as Design. But in CONNECT, Bentley has forced to do drafting in design mode. Due to this, if a user is moving from V8i to CE, user have to follow multi...
about 1 month ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Equipment Import from Excel - rotation

Hello, I would like to suggest a new improvement for equipment import from an Excel spreadsheet. Beside equipment name, I would like also to define rotation axis and rotation degree. It will be very helpful e.g. while I am importing lighting fixtu...
2 months ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Ability to stretch properties dialog without adding additional columns of categories

If users want to read the pull description of piping data for fields such as DESCRIPTION or COMPONENT NAME in the properties dialog, or the modify component dialog, they try to extend the width of the dialog. However, OPM just add more categories ...
3 months ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

Consider renaming Openplant Move Button

It is bad practice to have two commands with the same name. Especially, while trying to train new users. Why is there an OpenPlant Move and a Microstation Move, but both buttons are labelled Move?
3 months ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

Add Gaskets and Bolts to Pipeline Manager

Currently, it is not possible to see Gaskets and Bolts in the piping compenets listed under a pipeline, or isometric sheet. It is not possible to change the gaskets or bolts, or perform Update From Spec of gaskets and bolts. There are many times w...
3 months ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

EDM Tag Browser: Add Drawing Name Column for Classes

We would like to include a drawing name column in all tag browser component classes. When editing data, engineers need to be able to identify the drawing that each tag resides on.
3 months ago in OpenPlant Engineering Data Manager 0 Future consideration

EDM Query Browser: Sorting, Organizing Shared Queries

We would like to have better tools to sort/organize the Shared Queries in the Query Browser. Currently, when a new query is shared, it is inserted at the end of the list. We would like to be able to sort the list of all Shared Queries or move one ...
3 months ago in OpenPlant Engineering Data Manager 0 Future consideration

EDM Query Browser: Advanced Query Request (Update, Delete, Alter)

We would like to have the ability to create more advanced queries, which would include an Update, Delete, and Alter (database structure revision) option.
3 months ago in OpenPlant Engineering Data Manager 5 Future consideration

EDM Tag Browser: Data Structure Diagram with Relationships

We would like to have a published data structure diagram with relationships - similar to what was available with version v8i. This would provide an easier way to look up component codes to exclude from a query. For example, we might want an equipm...
3 months ago in OpenPlant Engineering Data Manager 0 Future consideration

Consistency Manager Enhancements

Please consider to enhance the consistency manager to check the component sequence between the P&ID and 3D Model. As an example. The P&ID shows a manual isolation valve on a tank followed by an actuated valve followed by an instrument. In ...
3 months ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration