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Showing 358

Would like a multiplier for routed cable lengths

Would like to be able to specify a multiplier that would affect the length calculation of routed cables. For example, specify that cables should be 110% of the length calculated with current methods. It may be necessary to do this on a per voltage...
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Would like a new cable laying method to support Bolt Clamps.

Need a way of routing cables and supporting them with bolt clamps that can be visualized with the 3D cables running through the clamps. This kind of cable laying method is needed for ladders and c profile rails. It should deliver also the number a...
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Would like raceway and equipment tags to support Plant Breakdown Structures like KKS

It would be helpful if raceway and equipment tags could be comprised of multiple properties like the Plant Breakdown Structure in OpenPlant to support these types of tagging conventions including KKS.
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration

Ability to export IFC

OpenPlant users would benefic from better IFC integration if OPM could export, at least, basic geometries to IFC. As the IFC file format has limitations to store plant design objects, OPM objects not mapped in IFC could be translated to basic enti...
over 4 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 5 Already exists

Support for variable IE_PLANTNORTH

E365 User (Tetratech) looking forward to utilize both option coordinates and rotation using variable IE_PLANTNORTH present in style.cfg file. in case there is no option to support here - then we can introduce new variable to allow user to rotate i...
over 3 years ago in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager 0 Planned

Enforceable, Spec drive for P&ID

Add the ability to enfor spec drive in P&ID, or at minmum the ability to live warn a user that they are placing items that are not found in the active spec, or are not from the same spec as the line the component is being placed on.
11 months ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Jacket Line Routing & Jacketed iso drawing

Currently, we are not able to route jacket pipe on the primary process pipe, and that's why iso drawings also do not get generated with jacketed line. Due to the feature is not available in Bentley, all these works like jacket MTC, and Iso drawing...
over 2 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

Create same component on multiple iso sheets

Currently we create Stress/system isometrics which contain multiple lines numbers on them. The issue is when we go to create fabrication isometrics, the components have already been assigned to the stress iso so you cant create another isosheet fo...
almost 2 years ago in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager 1 Will not implement

Need filter option in Spec Gen sections

Filter/search box option in individual section would be helpful in case of big specs when you have lot of classes in fittings section and you want to filter the section based on classes, end condition, catalog. Right now user has to scroll up and ...
over 3 years ago in OpenPlant Project Administrator 0 Future consideration

Slope Call outs: Do not place Multiple Labels on the iso

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager 0 Future consideration