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OpenPlant Modeler

Showing 94

Ability to update properties on multiple components

CS0146120 While evaluating the data on OPM Piping Components, there are times when multiple components need to be assigned Properties. For example, we may need to update a Project Code or Shipping Status for a collection of objects that are select...
10 months ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

Assembly Manager in OPM

Users would be able to place multiple OPM-components in one go by creating a user defined component library, with retaining individual properties per component. Todays´ capabilities don´t hold individual properties (place custom component from cel...
about 3 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 1 Future consideration

Allow offset for valve operators

We often have valves where the operators do not sit in the center of the valve body. We need the ability with in the specs to account for that offset and to be properly represented in the model. Currently only gearbox operators allow for this offs...
about 1 year ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

Validation of Component Dimensions

OPM users need a way to check dimensions of components against the pipespecs. We have had several instances where pipespec dimensions get updated by piping engineering after OPM Users have already routed in the model. OPM users currently have no w...
almost 3 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

Match Properties of Pipeline

Please can you bring back a tool similar to the old function that existed in PlantSpace Design where you could select a pipe and by pressing a button it would match the pipeline number, system, service plant area, unit number, size, specifciation ...
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant Modeler 1 Future consideration

Wafer Bolt - Two bolts in the spec with the same nominal diameter and BOLT_LEN but different Description, OPM picks the first spec entry.

OpenPlant Modeler’s working behavior is to pull the nearest bolt entry from spec with a lower BOLT_LEN compared to the calculated length if there’s no available bolt entry from spec with a BOLT_LEN that is either equal or greater than the calculat...
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

Add support custom xml schema

Users add customization to OpenPlant_3D.01.08.ecschema.xml and other Supplemental schemas. They want to have one separated schema where will be available option to create new classes and properties and not change initial schemas. This will help to...
over 3 years ago in OpenPlant Modeler 1 Future consideration

True Beta Testing

I would really like to see a true beta testing program implemented for OpenPlant. I have logged 40+ product defects after upgrading to newer versions of OPM. I am still waiting on fixes from the past years, and my users are struggling with in prod...
8 months ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

Fix and Enhance the Details(Items) Dialog so it's usable.

Currently the Details (Items) dialog will show a list of what ever has been selected. Option to sort dialog, defaults back 'Item' when working on data past the first page of data, (scroll down past the first 20 lines say) When a number of items ar...
8 months ago in OpenPlant Modeler 1 Future consideration

Sorting of content in Custom Cell Library dialog box

Please can you enable the sorting in the custom cell dialog box. The current version of OPM sorts the custom cell placement dialog box in the order that the custom components are generated in the .cel file and with many components it is time consu...
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration