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Showing 358 of 358

Allow Multiple selection for changing pipeline type

Currently the pipeline type can be changed for only one pipeline at a time because it does not allow multiple selection. It would be nice if we had the ability to change the pipeline type for multiple pipelines in one go.
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Merge Pipe Runs tool should merge non colinear segments

Currently in OPPID the Merge Pipe Runs tool only merges colinear segments. See attached video of how you need to workaround the limitation. It would be helpful if the Merge Pipe Runs tool could merge non-colinear segments as well. By enhancing thi...
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Automatically reposition flow arrows to avoid overlapping inline components

In situations where the flow arrow overlaps a component on the pipeline it would be nice if the software would automatically reposition the flow arrow to avoid the overlap if possible. If there is insufficient space to display the flow arrow it wo...
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Actuator orientation for Relief Valve (Angle Valve)

The idea would be to be able to change the direction of the actuator when we place it on relief Valve (Angle Valve). For the moment actuator is placed aligned to the axis of the valve exit, but in real life it will be aligned to the axis of the va...
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant Modeler 0 Future consideration

Ability to Have two Instrument Parametric Annotation With Bubble

In some cases, an instrument device has two different Performance styles (local panel and Distributed Control System). This means we need to be able to place two Instrument Parametrics (bubbles) with the same code.
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Would like ability to rotate elongated Instrument Bubbles in the vertical direction to save design space

As a piping designer, I use elongated shaped instrument bubbles and sometimes need to rotate them in the vertical direction to save drafting space and fit them in between pipelines. It would be nice to have a way of changing this to the vertical d...
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Unit Classification property in the OPPID KKS workset should support a pick list selection.

It would be nice if the Unit Classification property in the OPPID KKS workset had a database selection dialog when placing an Equipment, so that a user doesn't need to manually enter value. While placing such equipment in OPM, the Unit Classificat...
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

NUMBER property should support user defined number of digits

This is a request to have the NUMBER property on components in all Open Plant products (Modeler, PID, Isometrics and Support Engineering), to have a user defined required number of digits. Requirements The following criteria are required: A user a...
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Would like the ability to pass a pipe run property value to a property on a valve class

Story Narrative As a piping designer, I would like the ability to define a custom PROPERTY_X1 on Pipe Run class to pass its values to PROPERTY_X2 on Valve class component, but only as default value and only for first time. The goal is for the targ...
over 1 year ago in OpenPlant PID 0 Future consideration

Add support to connect duct bank to manholes in a referenced DGN file

Currently, BRCM does not support duct bank connections to manholes that are referenced in from another Underground file. It's very common to have multiple underground files in a project, and manholes need to support connections to these duct banks...
over 1 year ago in Bentley Raceway and Cable Management 0 Future consideration